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Discipleship Ministry

"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"

(Ephesians 4:11-13 NKJV)

Ministry Focus

To provide participants with a fundamental knowledge of the bible, the Christian faith, and their calling and gifts.



To provide a thorough and comprehensive Christian Education curriculum that will aide in the spiritual growth and maturity of this body of Christ.

Discipleship Ministry Delivery Strategies


  • Sunday School 

Offers age appropriate studies for children, youth and adults designed to give a basic understanding of biblical principles and how they apply to our lives as Christians. Utilizes standard curriculum offered by Urban Ministries, Inc. (UMI). Classes convene on Sunday mornings at 9:30.


  • Bible Study

Offers a variety of biblical studies for children, youth, and adults that give participants a better understanding of the bible, encouragement for their faith walk, and tools for daily life as a Christian. This series of classes uses many different publications, original presentations, and teaching tools. Classes regularly convene on Wednesday nights at 7:00, however some classes are offered on other days of the week as appropriate.


  • Progressive Bible Institute

Offers a series of workshops, conferences, and special opportunities for biblical study that are open to the community. Classes convene at different times throughout the year. Will also publish and distribute original study tools and training materials.


  • Men's Bible Study

Offers a variety of biblical studies that target issues faced by Christian men. This series of discussions uses many different publications and teaching tools. Classes convene at different times throughout the year.

  • Small Group Ministry

God has existed as a community of Being, Genesis 1:26 –‘ ….let us make man in OUR image’
Father … Son…Holy Spirit – Created humanity as a community, male and female, as a reflection of the image of God. All groups can have a different purpose, but must share the same common disciplines; Personal caring and sharing, Study and learning, Worship and prayer,
Ministry and mission, Evaluating and decision making.


  • Young Lions

A covenant group of Christians called to advanced academic growth through the study of biblical scholarship and theology in preparation for and support of seminary Masters and PhD programs. The primary goal is to develop authentic community through the development of study groups, shared experience, resource navigation and management, assignment critique and prayer. Meeting times TBD.

Small Group list




Sunday Meetings:



Sunday School
Olester Benson
Sherellia Moore
Lucy Zanders
Meets Sunday, 9:00 am


Young Adult

Rev. Annette Vogel  –

Meets Sunday, 5:00 pm


Junior Church

Dedra Dunevant – Apndvd@Q.Com

Meets Sunday., 9:00 am







Monday Night Study
Rev. Annette Vogel  –
Meets Monday, 7:00 pm






Tuesday Men's Study
Rev. Marc Thigpen

Rev. Jeffry Martin
Meets Tuesday, 7:00 pm






Wednesday Prayer Service

Meets Wednesday, 6:15 pm


Wednesday Adult Bible Study
Rev. David Woodland
Meets Wednesday, 7:30 pm


Wednesday Teen Rap
Rev. Mike Collin
Meets Wednesday, 7:00 pm


Couples Ministry

Pastor Melvin Miller, Lead
Meets Wednesday, 7:00 pm





Thursday Word Connection

Rev. Paul Johnson, Lead
Meets Thursday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm






Saturday Morning Coffee Club

Rev. Pat Lewis
Meets Saturday, 8:00 am

Monday Meetings:
Tuesday Meetings:
Wednesday Meetings:
Thursday Meetings:
Saturday Meetings:

©2021 by Progressive Baptist Church

1505 Burns Ave, St Paul, MN 55106, USA

(651) 888-6011

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